Resources and Ideas for Teachers

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fine Motor

Take an easy coloring page from a coloring book and laminate it. Have the children use Wiki sticks to trace over the picture.

Kelly's Web Link

Our Occupational Therapists gave us the idea to cut up a dish drainer mat and fill the little suction type holes with beads and tweezers or colored water and eye droppers. Kids love it.


An idea to get art squeezed in amongst all the literacy "who-rah"

I choose an art project for each week and make it part of my "must do" centers...and I call it "reading to perform a task" to please the suits. It's always the favorite must do center for most of my kids!

Daily Schedule

This year I am going to try and do a daily schedule on the board. It will be fairly simple... one with pictures and writing on it to help "chunk" up our day. I think it will give the kids a good sense of order and routine while also teaching vocabulary. Another K teacher used this last year- I was so impressed when one of her kids said, "You are the teacher we see at Dissmissal". I thought that was such a big word for a small kid to use- but in reality she had taught them a great deal of vocabulary and writing and reading skills by simply posting her schedule. I plan to do just as she did. My schedule will be on laminated posterboard with a magnet on back.


Ever thought of changing housekeeping? Here are some ideas and links

hospital, grocery store and restaraunt... more ideas on


I change it into a veterinarian's office. I bring in stuffed animals and I get out my doctor's kit. I also put old ankle wraps (the stretchy kind that you wrap on sprained ankles)along with a small cat carrier in the housekeeping area. The kids absolutely love checking out the animals and wrapping them up in the bandages.

flower shop and pizza parlour

There are a couple of "sets" out there with pizza stuff in them. One is by Melissa and Doug and I bought it at Tj Maxx. The other I got at Lakeshore, I believe, or Discount School Supply. There are pieces to make pizza, cutter, cheese shaker. Check your catalogs. I put out a cash register, order pad, telephone and pocket chart with pizza words pepperoni, mushroom, cheese, etc, I made checked aprons and tabkecloth and chef's hats. Also, I went to local pizza shop and got small boxes, menus, and bags.

School, Doctor's Office, Toy Store- Lakeshore has dramatic play boxes of several of these ideas! Each box comes with 4 write$wipe cards and 4 word rings with different vocab. words.

I've done several of the ideas already listed but a couple of others are a pet store and a bus station. We made a bus by painting a big box and put up small Judy Clocks labeled arrival time and departure time. We also had maps and a cash register for them to play with purchasing tickets. We created tickets, printed them out, and laminated them for durability. I teach pre-k and we follow ECERS. We have to have 2 well developed dramatic play themes in our dramatic play center. One of course is always home living since we have all the stuff and then we swap out the second.

plan a wedding for q and u and thus the drama center becomes the site for the wedding - prepare reception foods. Kids love playing dress up for the wedding afterward

It had such great ideas I had to keep it to help me with my own plans!
October- I have lots of pumpkins which i have collected. There are the type used for trickor treating, small ones which once had match box cars in them etc. Ihave also been given many donations. During this time I do everything up with fall and Halloween decorations and put our a cash register along with pricing stickers. The kids love to charge 100 for everything! I also put out fall silk flowers and leaves which some kids like to use to make arrangements in the pumpkin buckets. Nov. I don't do anything new because we miss so much school during conferences and Thanksgiving. I just fo back to housekeepingDec.I have 3 small fake trees and lots of decorations. I have a variety of. boxes along with wrapping paper. The kids decoratand and wrap. I put out the cah register and sometimes they charge each other for their services. I find that they also love to make things to decorate the center with (It is a mess and kind of drives me nuts but they love it.Jan.Grocery store. I put grocery ads out and lots of empty food boxes and cans along with baskets for shopping. The kids set up and then price things and use the cash registerFebruary- I made mail cubbies from 1/2 gallon milk cartons which I have put letters on a b c etc.I have tons of stationary, stickers, a variety of pens and pencils and envelopes. Kids write letter and put them in the appropriate box. I often buy 200 penny stamps and they can use those as well. 1 per letter. sometimes kids sort and then take turns putting the envelpoes into the kids cubbiesMarch is Dennys. I have menus from the restaurant a pad for taking orders and the kitchen comes back out because we need to have a cook. Someone is a waiter ,there are customers and then a cashier.In my imagination station kids pick a job and then do that until someone wishes to trade. For example, at the restaurant there are necklaces with the job on it 1. cook 2. waitress 3. customer 4. customer 5. cashier. The center is full when all necklaces have been taken. Kids can trade off if they wish. When I introduce a new center we look at the jobs and discuss what each person should be doing then we make the necklaces, customers do not ring up their own food! (;This works really good for me.


I love pictorial recipes so the kids can look at the directions and follow the directions themselves. That way I can set the activity up as a center. I started making printable pictorial recipes because of that. You can check them out on my free printable website

Making Learning Fun

We make Reindeer Sandwiches during Christmas. Cut a piece of bread in half diagonally. Spread peanut butter on bread. Use 2 raisins for the eyes, a cherry for the nose, and pretzels for the antlers. The kids loved it.

This may be something you might try. We use it for large groups of cub scouts every year. And its very cheap for supplies, you can make lots for a little ( bring several pans or use 13x9 cake pans cut the baking time to 20-25 minutes). The kids love when they get to eat it too. You could also sprinkle raisins or fresh chopped apples in this. I set out the ingredients,call up each child to measure for me.. mix the sugar/cin in 5-6 bowls on long banquet type tables table . Cut up biscuits into 5-6 bowls.Put the baking pans on the table to place the rolled biscuits in. Place children on each side of table in chairs, and have them roll the biscuits in the sugar mix, then drop in the prepared baking pans. Bake as directed.

Monkey Bread

We are making
1. blueberry muffins for Blueberries for Sal,
2."porrige" for Goldilocks and the 3 Bears (instant oatmeal)
3. purple cows when we do Harold & the Purple Crayon and the poem I've never Seen a purple crayon : put a scoop of ice cream in a cup , pour on grape soda (like a grape float)

There is a second grade website that has lots of great easy snacks to go along with great books called "Snazzy Snacks" that you can down load.I've got it saved under

Snazzy Snacks

I think the easiest way to afford cooking projects in the classroom is to build it in to your budget. I always ask for a supply fee from my parents. One of the things it covers is cooking supplies/projects.
I TRY to do at least one cooking project a month. I usually will work it into our center time, which is towards the end of the day, if it is a simple activity. If it is something that takes time to cook (applesauce or stone soup), then obviously, you have to start in the morning.
I try to correlate it to a book we are reading or a theme. Nursery rhymes correlate well with cooking projects! Some of my most memorable cooking projects were:stone soup (with a REAL stone!)porridge (3 Bears oatmealrici e bici (rice and peas...yum!)the Queen of Hearts tartsapplesaucedinosaur dirt cakepirate shipshalloween trail mix
I also think that whatever you cook in the classroom, everyone should have a part in preparing it. Write the recipe out rebus style (literacy, writing, reading). Have some children measure (science, math); some chop; some mix; some clean up. Offer everyone a taste; seconds for those who really enjoyed it. I also feel that it shouldn't be "snack". I think PARENTS should provide a snack for their child(no soda, candy) on a daily basis. Cooking with the teacher in the classroom is a special activity.

What is a healthy snack?· Fresh or tinned fruit. Bananas, apples, grapes, oranges, applesauce cup, etc · crackers or rice cakes · Cheese slices, cubes, sticks, shapes or string cheese · Vegetable sticks/carrot sticks· Yogurt cups or gogurt · Raisin bread, fruit loaf or toasted English muffins. · Fruit or vegetable muffins, such as carrot, banana, zucchini, pumpkin· Granola bars· Graham crackers or goldfish crackers· PretzelsIf you have a question, you can send me a note or call me!What is NOT a healthy snack?Candy, cookies, cupcakes, pop, Little Debbie’s, chips, fruit snacks or fruit roll ups.

Literacy Props

In the interest of expanding my CD collection- I have began to take note of different CD's and prop opportunities. Below are several from Jack Hartmann and other K folks.

Literacy Props
Shari's Site

A couple of other names include Greg & Steve, Jim Gill

Friday, July 27, 2007

Math Tubs: Numbers

One thing that I have done that is easy and cheap is to get abunch of small white paper plates and write numbers on themwith a marker. Then I had the children try to fill the plateswith the correct number of manipulatives. For example, onechild couldn't count out more than 3 things accurately. So Igave him 10 paper plates with a big 4 printed on them with afat magic marker. His job was to count out four things andput them on each plate. When he mastered quantities of four,he got a new set of plates with the number five on them.
My kids also enjoyed putting unifix cubes together, so Iprinted the numbers 0-10 (or more) on them with a fine tippermanent marker and put them in a zip bag. The children hadto connect the cubes and put them in the correct order. Allof the cubes in each bag were the same color, so as to not getthem mixed up with the next child's cubes.
Another thing that is fun to do is find pictures in amagazine, and cut them out. Glue them in certain quantitiesonto a paper. For example, the children would trace and thenwrite a number five on a paper, and then find five objects ina magazine, cut them out, and glue them onto the paper.
Another thing that we did with cubes is build towers of acertain number. The children had to make ten towers that eachhad five cubes. The towers should all be the same size whenthey are done. They can then put the towers on a paper withthat number printed on it several times, so there should be atower of five under each number five.
They can also make a tower of one, then two, then three cubes,etc., and stack them up in order on a paper that has thosenumbers written on it.
We also use matching sets cards a lot. You take some indexcards, and print the numbers 0-10 on them individually. Thentake some stickers and put them on other index cards. So youhave a card with a zero and another card with no stickers. Then you have a card with number one printed on it, andanother card with one sticker, etc. The children have to putthe numbers in order and match the correct number of stickersto each numeral card. I kept these sets in baggies and usedthem quite a lot. Some kids at the beginning of the year might need to have just 0-5 at first.
Shelly Lovett always has so many good ideas - this is her home site - look at the numbers and other activities on the left side you could adapt to tubs easily

Our kindergarten teachers used clear VCR tape covers/holders to make their number boxes (filled with small items, of course). Just another idea! :-)

This is such a good idea. Have you checked out the ideas in Math Their Way? The newsletter is available online which gives a wonderful synopsis of each chapter and blackline mastera for you to use. You really need to check this out if you have not already! I did the sort of the same thing last yer only my whole class worked on the same number at one time and I just set up number stations. It ws actually kind of hard to manage and to see who was getting what. The way you describe is interesting. When in the year will you start this? Will you work on numeral writing first or at the same time? I ws thinking you might want to go to 5 (or six) first and when the children have really internalized these, then do 6 -10. Maybe even another unit(patterning) first.
I would try to include lots that had invariance of number, that is the best for number sense to me. I did the toothpick activities described in the link. Also, if you have geoboards they can make deigns with that numer of bands. GET THEM TO DESCRIBE THEIR DESIGNS TO A BUDDY. "I made an F. One up, 2 across. One and two is three." Also get little solo cups and have their partner hide small objects under the cup. They count how many are out (2), then have to say how many are in (1). Do you know how to do the bean toss with lima beans? Spray paint beans on only one side (whatever color you like) then make cups of beans with whatever number you need. They toss and say " Three is 2 green and 1 white." Toss again " Three is 3 green 0 white." Toss again is "# is 1 green 2 white." etc. There are even nice recording forms for this activity.
The adress to the REALLY GOOD math their way newsletter is:

CHECK THIS OUT. Lots of recording sheets for number combination activities including the beans:

Here is a link to the math their way page about number stations.

Math Their Way has great ideas, free printables, & pictures.My kids fav number activity was the Number Dice Roll. They roll those numbers and write them. Later, they rolled the numbers and stamped them.
This is an old link:

This is a new link: (click on Newsletter)

Math Their Way original ideas from the 70's have been incorporated into so many of the math programs you see today. The activities are all tried and true! This teacher went home every evening figuring out ways to teach her kids in hands-on ways. She died young, but her husband continues the work. I learned about it in the early 90's from the veteran teachers I worked with & have used it every since though have tweeked it from time to time.
If you click on the newsletter, you'll see lots of activities with materials you already have on hand. They are explained in detail with pictures. I used to keep all my junk in video cases, then switched to the dollar store containers that have the lid that is connected. They are the perfect size for teddy bears, beans, dice, keys, buttons, paper pattern block cut outs, etc.
I use print outs for my calendar & you'll see the links - weather graph, tooth graph (cut out your own shapes), tally marks (u make on plain paper each month), place value (printable cards), number line (adding machine tape) you generate as a class every day. I'ved used these on my calendar every year of teaching. They are generic & kid appropriate.
I have the birthday cakes that my kids colored my first year of K above the numberline, but you can't see them on my math page. You can see them on my birthday page though. They color a candle the first week of school & I put them up on the cakes.
The opening shows using a balloon every day and popping it for yesterday. I don't do that, because it is not earth friendly to me.
I use the 100's printable for homework folders for counting. I print them on tag, then laminate them & they last in the MOOSE folder all year. (p44 blackline link) There is an assessment link that is very helpful, too.
My kids also like the bean recording sheets for addition/sets. You throw out beans (mine are half orange and half brown - painted - u can buy these now, lol)& put into 2 groups. You color in the orange beans on the bean sheet, then the brown beans on the bean sheet. Later, students can write the equations. Such as 4-2=6 (which is 4 orange beans plus 2 brown beans equals 6). For many years, I had my beans in film canisters, then realized the kids just needed to toss them gently from their hands & that makes bean storage easier in baggies.:o)

Math Their Way in the K Classroom

The early weeks of school can be used for setting guidelines & exploration of the manipulatives you'll be using! It's a good time for observation to see what you children know & how they work together in groups. Depending on the level of the students, I do exploration for 2 to 3 weeks. Believe it or not, I start it the first day/first week of school with small tubs of multilinks, number puzzles, pattern blocks, & unifix cubes. They are easy to put out & simple to monitor!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Birthday Cheer

Shake up and celebrate birthdays with a little different cheer:

I don't know but I've been told
Someone here is ___ years old.
The bad news is we sing off key,
The good news is we sing for free.
Happy Birthday _______!

Cheer each line and the children echo. Say the last phrase in unison.

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Daily 5

I have also made it a personal mission to find out more about the Daily 5. I ordered the book, have read a few pages within it and have talked to several different teachers about their view and organization of "The Daily 5". Here is a link (with videos I think) to help in this journey.

The Daily 5

Math Their Way

I have been hearing a lot of good things about this math program and today I have a link.

Math Their Way

This page in particular is to the Blackline Masters for the program. Check out the link on Geoboards.

Listserves and Journals... not for the faint of heart

Here is a link to a bazillion different listserves I ran across online. Many of these are quite interesting and very active. Take note though- this is not for the faint of heart! There are lots of people lurking on these. And for those unfamiliar with listserves- when you respond to the server- all subscribers will receive your message!

Listserve Link

Don't get me wrong- these are lots of fun and can be very informative and helpful! I've been on my own fair share of listserves before.

Free Journals and Articles

If you look around long enough online you are bound to find anything... well below you will find a link from the NAEYC web page listing their current publications. Under several you will find links to some free articles and also journal exclusives. One of my favorites is Beyond the Journal. Be sure to check out the archives.

Another favorite journal is Early Childhood Research and Practice. This journal is free and is very scholarly. If you work in early childhood please take the time and browse.

Reggio Emilia and Project Based Learning

I did my Graduate Research on how student perceive themselves as learners in a Project Based Learning setting. This was somewhat challenging and rather presumptuous of me- considering I only taught in a true "Project Based" manner for the course of one six week long project (Hence my findings- one project is not long enough to show any consistent or even accurate change). Action Research is all about getting the rights and wrongs of learning in hand. During the course of the study though- I ran across a great deal of research by Sylvia Chard and Lilian Katz. These ladies have teamed up for the last 20 years and looked closely at both Project Based Learning and later the Reggio Emilia approach to teaching. Below I am going to include several beneficial links to sources I used during my reseach. For more information- view the "Scholarly Resources" sidebar on this blog.

Reggio Emilia and Project Based Course
The Cloud Project
Project Approach- Best Practice (visit the home page too!)
Link to special section of Early Childhood Research and Practice focusing on Project Approach. Please note that Lilian Katz is the editor!
Chard article in the very first edition of Early Childhood Research and Practice

There are many different books and other materials available on both Project Based Learning and the Reggio Emilia Approach. One place to start is by simply visiting Google

Nutrition ~ The Healthy Child

I found this very neat idea online about tasting passports. This is on a page for Nutrition Explorations. Very helpful considering Healthy Active Child...

Nutrition Page

Your Kindergartner

I found this wonderful webpage that discusses expectations and milestones for K students. I would like to create such a page for my own website. Here is the link for futher ideas.

Your Kindergartner

National Library Week

Well I am not a librarian, but I can celebrate! This link takes you to a website filled with lessons and ideas celebrating books. They are useful any time of the year.

National Library Week

Christmas in July?


I had bookmarked this on my PC (I am currently dumping loads of email and bookmarks!) but want others to take note. This is a website for The Polar Express. It has lesson plans and ideas for all grade levels.

Dr. Jean ~ Discovery Bottles

Here is a link for some discovery by Dr. Jean. These are great for observations and science. Check out Dr. Jean's new CD at

Discovery Bottles


Fingerplays are an essential part of Kindergarten. I don't do enough of them. In a noble effort to learn more- I provide the following:

More Fingerplays
Literacy Fingerplays
Songs and Fingerplays
Headstart Lane Fingerplays
Patricia's Fingerplays
Piggyback Songs and More
More Mrs. Jones

Surely I can learn something new!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

KidWriting for Dummies

I've been looking into a new writing program called KidWriting. I ask a fellow teacher to give it to me in a nutshell... here is her description:

First, you model writing by using chart paper, gathering yourkiddos around you and soliciting their help when you write. Draw a picture first--the book uses (for the first lesson) a picture of a stick figure lying on the beach under a beach umbrella and you write the sentence, "I really wish I was at the beach". When you write "I" ask if anyone knows how to write the word, "I" (occasionally I do have someone), if not, I always say, "Well, want to know MY secret? (they will), 'If you know the letter 'I', you know the word 'I'" (this is a poem I made up for 'a' and 'I' and my kids all learn those two words right away. Then for 'really' I keep saying the word, stretching it out and ask what letter sounds they hear---I call on students and write down whatever they say....same with all the rest of the sentence. It is amazing that this first one, it doesn't even look close to the real thing unless I have real readers, but a few weeks later, there will be a huge improvement. I exaggerate all the sounds as I write adult writing underneath, talking only about what they got right, don't mention anything incorrect.

Oh--I nearly forgot, you also do a spiel on Kidwriting--what constitutes kidwriting, in all it's different forms, zig-zaglines, loopy writing, things that look something like letters, real letters/numbers-----this honors everyone's writing but acknowledges that kidwriting is different from adult writing. Then send them to write by having them draw a picture first, then use whatever type of kidwriting they want to use or are willing to challenge themselves to.
Bring them back together and have 2-4 children share their journals, again, commenting on any positives you can, ignoring any negatives.

There are also supports like the hats that kids can wear while writing---Bat of That, Whiz of Is, Love of 'of', Kiss of This,etc. (these are on the website, downloadable for My students learn all the hat words SO quickly!

Ideally you will have this 40-45 minute writing time everyday, it will really help you to see how children write to read and read to write....they really do need both to move forward and they are terribly integrated.

I hope all this helps, there is a ton of info on the website, but the book is only about $30 and well worth many great ideas.

Reading Hut

Talk about creative- this lady built a hut in her room! I love it- would definitely go with my jungle theme. Could it be a fire hazard?

The Reading Hut

Transition Songs

I'm always looking for songs to help with transition. Here is one for the end of the day:

End of the Day Chant

See you later alligator
Afterwhile crocodile
Bye bye butterfly
Give a hug ladybug
Be sweet Parakeet
Blow a kiss jellyfish
See you soon raccoon
Take care polar bear
Out the door dinosaur
So long King Kong
Good bye said the fly
Got in line just fine!

I may change that last part....

Spelling Songs

I found this posted online and laughed! I use to make up spelling songs sometimes to the tune of many of these... but as you can tell... someone has put lots of thought into this! Hope it is useful!

If you don't have the CDs, make up your own songs -
Songs to Sing
You sing the letters to the song as if they were the words to the song. Do the whole song since it reinforces the word more often. Point to the word on the word wall, or use flash cards.

Songs for 3 Letter Words:
• This Old Man
• Jingle Bells
• Are You Sleeping (C - A - N can)
• Three Blind Mice

Songs for 4 Letter Words:
• Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
• Skip to My Lou
• Are You Sleeping?

Songs for 5 Letter Words
• Skip to My Lou
• Row, Row, Row Your Boat
• You Are My Sunshine
• BINGO (There was a class that learned to spell, and this is what they sang-o)

Songs for 6 Letter Words
• This Old Man
• Jingle Bells
• Happy Birthday
• Michael Row Your Boat Ashore
• The Farmer in the Dell
• Skip to My Lou

Songs for 7 Letter Words
• She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain When She Comes
• My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
• Twinkle, Twinkle
• Willoughby Wallaby Woo

Songs for 8 Letter Words
• We Wish You a Merry Christmas
• For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow

Songs for 9 Letter Words
• I’m a Little Teapot

Math Graph of Week

This is an idea by Jessica Mecham:

I started this project with my Kindergarteners at the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year. They loved it! Each week, during our Morning Meeting routine, we create a class graph. The graph's topic always related to current classroom theme/skill/topics/interest. The graph took us all week long to create. We read a book each day of the week that related to our graph's topic, and after the read aloud, a few students would respond to the graph's question. At the end of the week, we'd analyze the graph. This can be done in K, 1, 2, or even 3. To challenge the older students, when analyzing the graph, determine the MODE, MEDIAN, and RANGE. With all grade levels discuss MOST, LEAST, MORE THAN, LESS THAN, and EQUAL TO. The graphs were displayed on our classroom walls, and were created on large pieces of tag/poster board. At the end of the school year, the children each took home 2-3 graphs.

Jessica's Graph of Week Page

Elementary Teacher Resources

The following is the text version of Mrs. Mikesell's Elementary Teacher Newsletter
If you would like to subscribe- click here

Welcome to the Fourth Issue of Elementary Teacher Resources-Pinching Pennies
I don’t know about you, but I spend more money on my classroom than my family. Teachers are notoriously spending hundreds of dollars in their classrooms every year. I want to help you spend less money on storage and organization.

This special supplement of Great Elementary Teacher Resources is all about saving you money so you can buy more important items for your students!
Below are examples of free storage. These are things you can start asking neighbors, friends, and coworkers to start saving now so you'll be ready to go once school starts again.

Water Bottles
I use water bottles for storage of desk items like paperclips, rubber bands, and thumb tacks.
They have a great lid, they don't spill all over the classroom when I drop them, they are easily transportable and they can be stored in a box.

Wide mouth bottles from sports drinks are perfect for pencils, markers and pens. I place these in centers or on tables because they are very durable, the children can see exactly what they want before opening the bottle and they are free. My friend who's an occupational therapist even loves this idea because it builds small motor coordination!

Cat Litter Boxes
Reuse cat litter boxes for book bins, centers buckets and theme storage.
They are extremely sturdy, can be spray painted and have great handles.
I really like these for thematic book bins. They hold a ton of books and can easily be stacked on top of each other.

Laundry Baskets
Pick up a big stack of laundry baskets. Get as many as you can that stack into each other.
They are cheap, stackable, and great for centers, backpacks, puppets, sleeping mats, science tools and math journals.

I always seem to bring a laundry basket full of lunches, first aide kit, coats, and other junk on field trips with me. I don't really care if they get banged up, and they are rarely left behind.
I have a big pile of probably 20 baskets that I use all of the time.
One of my favorite uses is for comfy reading time. It gives students a safe and quiet spot to read.

Milk Jugs
Use milk jugs for storage of math manipulatives like links, cubes and those cute little bears. They have a lid, so they won't spill all over, and they hold up forever.

Egg Cartons
Use egg cartons for math sorting, painting, planting seeds, 2 row graphing, and a million other things. I really like the cartons that are clear plastic because you can store items in them too!

Super Simple Space Saving Center
Tissue Centers
When thinking about easy centers storage, think tissue boxes!
Every school goes through hundreds of these a year - ask teachers to send them your way.
Tissue boxes are made of nice, sturdy cardboard. They can be painted, glued on, or written on.
The access hole is a great size for little hands, and they can hold quite a bit.
I use them for math tubs, magnets, markers, crayons, pencils, literacy centers, cassette tapes, glitter... the list can go on and on. So, next time you sneeze, take the tissue and think about what the box might be in your classroom.

Math Journals

Here are some ideas shared on Teachers.Net chatboard

Here is how I did math journals (not every day)
1. Bought spirals on sale, for 10 cents each.
2. Kids picked out a notebook color they liked and I labeled them.
3. First day I taught how to use journal (very specific), tobe on correct page, write date etc. Then we traced our handand counted fingers, some kids wrote the numbers.
4. Continued with drawing and tracing (shapes) and learninghow to use journals
5. Worked up to gluing a math problem in the book (up in themargin and then another one by the hole in the middle of thepage) Showed how to answer problem in the correct space - nextyear I may just do one problem per page, just to fill in moreof the book:) I used a lot of problems then once Igot the hang of it I made up some of my own.
6. The only thing I had to really watch was to make sure theywere on the correct page. I would check each journal as Ipassed out the problems.
7. The journals were kept in their cubbies. I have tablesupplies (scissors, glue sticks, pencils for them to use)

Rhyme Time

I found these webpages on Nursery Rhymes and the alphabet. I'm not too crazy about this alphabet rhyme, but think the links at the bottom may be useful.

ABC Rhyme
Hubbard's Cupboard

Here's another link- full of songs and poetry

Songs and Poems

Story Souvenirs

I read about this neat idea called "storybits" or Story Souvenirs. Essentially it is a small token sent home with students so that they can recall or retell a story they read that day to their parents. While this is something anyone can easily come up with- several sites on the Internet are dedicated to getting those creative juices flowing. Please visit these sites. I believe I may use this idea once a week- for nightly homework.

Story Souvenirs
More from Four Block
Yet another Four Block

Shari's Site

If you have other ideas or websites please share!


I found this page that shares a variety of repeating songs. Please visit the site!


Beanie Babies

This is such a cool idea! This link shows how you can use beanie babies to teach reading strategies.

Beanie Babies

Author Studies

I'd like to do a few author studies with my K folks this year. Here are a few I am interested in.

Eric Carle, Leo Lionni, Ezra Jack Keats, Pat Hutchins, Donald Crews, Lois Ehlert, Maurice Sendak, Mercer Mayer, Laura Numeroff, Kevin Henkes, Audrey and Don Woods, Robert Munsch, Jan Brett, Mem Fox, Dr. Seuss

Anyone have any other ideas?

ABC Schoolhouse has a few authors listed on their sites.

Hedgie's favorite are:
Eric Carle
Ezra Jack Keats
David Shannon
Tomie dePaola
Frank Asch
Donald Crews
Denise Flemming
Mem Fox
Lois Ehlert
Jane Yolen
Robert Munsh
Jonathan London

Bear Unit

I'm always looking for thematic units- and well, here are some resources. Anyone interested in bears? Follow this link for a free unit.

September Ideas

I also cut and pasted the following off of a Teacher Chatboard. It sounds like a cute bulletin board to go with your study:

Anyway, on a BB by my door, I had "Beary Special Students" with a teddy bear cut-out and a photo of each child's head on bear's tummy or you could do it instead of his head. I had them walking on a path to a cut-out of a school building, and pasted on paper with green for grass and blue for sky. Around my door, I took brown kraft roll paper and put a strip on each side of my door. I then drew lines and knotholes with marker to look like wood. On the top, I put a roof cut from black paper. I then had teddy bears cottage door that I purchased from a BB set on my door. I called it Mrs. ----'s Den. I made it to look like the cottage from the book The Three Bears.

Audio Books

I haven't tried this- but it sounds good. Free audio books online.

Audio Books

Need Art Ideas?

I got this link off of a teacher chatboard. It works K-6.

Art Lessons

See if you can find something useful!

All About Me!

This all about me page shows all kinds of neat activities one could use during an All About Me unit or at the beginning of the year, as you do King or Queen of the Day.

All About Me Art

It would be really neat to do the height activity at be beginning and the end of the year.

K Bootcamp

I love this website! It is very informative for new teachers but hey- I still love it!

K Bootcamp

See what you think!

Mini Books

We all love easy readers- here are a variety of mini books. Easy printables that your students can read.

Mini Books

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Resources

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is one of our favorite books at the beginning of K. Here are some resources I found online.

Counting Coconuts Booklet
Chicka Chicka Take Home Chart
Chick Chicka Phonemic Awareness
Chicka Chicka Printables
Chicka Chicka File
Chicka Chicka Alphabet
Chicka Chicka Scissor Skills
Chicka Chicka Alphabet File
Chicka Chicka Numbers
Story Patterns
Coloring Page
Emergent Readers
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Unit
Chicka Chicka Activities

Lots of stuff to accompany good reading!

Pocket Chart Activities

I love Pocket Charts! I plan to start a pocket chart center this year with my K's. I have found all kinds of activities and surprises on the following sites.

All About Pocket Charts
Jessica's Pocket Charts
KinderKorner Pocket Charts
School Days
Angie's Pocket Chart Site

There are lots of things you can have them do! I have various kinds of ABC flash cards that I'm going to use for them to sequence. I bought 2 sets of ABC strips (the kind you put over the chalkboard.) at Dollar Tree. One set I'm putting in the pocket chart and the other set I'm going to cut apart so they can match the letters and practice sequencing them on top of those. I use rhyming flash cards for them to match the rhyming words. In another pocket chart, I have monthly words (October, for ex.-pumpkin, witch, haunted house, etc.) and 2 sentence starters which reinforces sight words: I like_______. and I see_______. Children have to fill in the blank with monthly words and use sight word cards: I like the pumpkin. I see a witch.I do this for each month. Then they take a pointer and read the sentences they made. You can also have them write their sentence later on in the year and illustrate. The other side of that pocket chart I have some kind of seasonal cutout. (Scarecrow, for example) I write out sentences to describe cutout. See my blue hat. See my yellow shirt. See my red pants. I make the same sentence and cut apart the words for the children to place over the words in the sentence. They read the sentences with a pointer when finished. This idea is from Kinderkorner. Check out Jessica Meacham's site- she has a wealth of pocket chart ideas!

especially at the beginning of the year (but really all year long) I use their names. Anything with their names and they will be engaged for a long while. you can do their pictures and names for a matching gameor do poems where their names get subbed in. ____ be nimble. chicka, chicka boom boom, here comes ______ up the coconut tree. and like the previous posted mentioned color word activities are always good.

I'm using them for making words activities. Check out Jessica Meacham's site-she has pictures of how she turns these pocket charts into making words folders! Click on "Working With Words".

Hope these help!

MOOSE Book Acronyms

Here are a list of acronyms for all types of notebooks and much more.

180 Graph Questions!

Mrs. Shannon has 180 graph questions for K on her webpage. Please visit her!

About Me

My photo
In Him I live, move and have my being. Acts 17:28