Resources and Ideas for Teachers

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Math Graph of Week

This is an idea by Jessica Mecham:

I started this project with my Kindergarteners at the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year. They loved it! Each week, during our Morning Meeting routine, we create a class graph. The graph's topic always related to current classroom theme/skill/topics/interest. The graph took us all week long to create. We read a book each day of the week that related to our graph's topic, and after the read aloud, a few students would respond to the graph's question. At the end of the week, we'd analyze the graph. This can be done in K, 1, 2, or even 3. To challenge the older students, when analyzing the graph, determine the MODE, MEDIAN, and RANGE. With all grade levels discuss MOST, LEAST, MORE THAN, LESS THAN, and EQUAL TO. The graphs were displayed on our classroom walls, and were created on large pieces of tag/poster board. At the end of the school year, the children each took home 2-3 graphs.

Jessica's Graph of Week Page

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