Resources and Ideas for Teachers

Friday, July 20, 2007

Reggio Emilia and Project Based Learning

I did my Graduate Research on how student perceive themselves as learners in a Project Based Learning setting. This was somewhat challenging and rather presumptuous of me- considering I only taught in a true "Project Based" manner for the course of one six week long project (Hence my findings- one project is not long enough to show any consistent or even accurate change). Action Research is all about getting the rights and wrongs of learning in hand. During the course of the study though- I ran across a great deal of research by Sylvia Chard and Lilian Katz. These ladies have teamed up for the last 20 years and looked closely at both Project Based Learning and later the Reggio Emilia approach to teaching. Below I am going to include several beneficial links to sources I used during my reseach. For more information- view the "Scholarly Resources" sidebar on this blog.

Reggio Emilia and Project Based Course
The Cloud Project
Project Approach- Best Practice (visit the home page too!)
Link to special section of Early Childhood Research and Practice focusing on Project Approach. Please note that Lilian Katz is the editor!
Chard article in the very first edition of Early Childhood Research and Practice

There are many different books and other materials available on both Project Based Learning and the Reggio Emilia Approach. One place to start is by simply visiting Google

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