Resources and Ideas for Teachers

Saturday, August 11, 2007


I call it Sharing Time. Each student is assigned a day. I send a schedule out each month with a theme for each week. (ie: bring two objects that rhyme).

I also send home a mystery bag from time to time (paper bag for every student with directions). They write three clues for their object.Then read them at share time.

Later on in the year I use a box labeled "What's in the Box?". It goes home with one student per night. They place one object in it and bring it the next day. The person with the box chooses five students to ask a question about the contents. Then five students to guess.It helps the students focus on asking questions ,gathering information and using that information to draw conclusions. They come up with some pretty amazing and relevant quesions after a bit of practice and modeling.

Sometimes our share is an individual or family project (ie: their posters for election of a class mascot). I vary it alot and use many more ideas to make it an educational experience.. Hope this helps.

I have done something similar to the previous post. I called mine the Sharing Bag, which was a canvas bag. One child a week got to take the sharing bag home, find something to share and then write, with thier parents help, three clues about their item. They would then read their questions, or I would help them read, to the other students during circle time and they would try to guess what it was.

Another idea I saw at a workshop was using a large metal coffee can, covered with contact paper, make sure the edge is covered up with tape so they can't get cut. The teacher would place a magnetic letter in the bottom of the can and put the lid back on top. The child had to take the can/letter home and find three small objects that began with that sound to put in the can. Then at school, they would take out the objects and the students would have to guess the letter. I love this idea and plan on doing it this year with my kiddos.

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